Package org.perfectjpattern.core.behavioral.chainofresponsibility

Chain of Responsibility Core Pattern implementation.


Interface Summary
IHelpAware Abstract definition of types that are Help aware
IPrintAware Abstract definition of types that are Print aware

Class Summary
AbstractHandler<R> Abstract reusable implementation of IHandler interface.
AbstractParameterlessHandler Abstract reusable implementation of IParameterlessHandler interface.
AbstractWidget Abstract base definition of a AbstractWidget.
AllHandleStrategy Concrete implementation of IChainStrategy that allows all IHandler instances in the Chain to handle the given request.
Application Concrete implementation of an Application
Button Button widget
Dialog Dialog widget
Example Startup Main for the Chain Of Responsibility Pattern Example code
OnlyOneHandleStrategy Concrete implementation of IChainStrategy that allows only one IHandler to handle the given request then stops the processing of the chain.

Package org.perfectjpattern.core.behavioral.chainofresponsibility Description

Chain of Responsibility Core Pattern implementation.


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