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1   //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2   // 
3   // PerfectJPattern: "Design patterns are good but components are better!" 
4   // Copyright (c) 2009 Giovanni Azua Garcia
5   //
6   //  
7   // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
8   // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
9   // as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
10  // of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
11  //
12  // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13  // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15  // GNU General Public License for more details.
16  //
17  // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18  // along with this program; if not, see <>.
19  //
20  //----------------------------------------------------------------------
21  package org.perfectjpattern.jee.api.integration.dao;
23  import org.perfectjpattern.core.api.structural.adapter.*;
25  /**
26   * Abstract definition of Session available for the DAO implementation.
27   * The DAO API exposes this interface but it will be automatically adapted
28   * from the underlying JPA-specific implementation (see {@link IAdapter}).
29   * <br/><br/> 
30   * JPA and specific implementations define similar abstractions e.g.
31   * Session vs EntityManager but despite their similarities, their types 
32   * actually mismatch making it difficult to provide a generic unified DAO 
33   * solution.
34   * <br/><br/>
35   * Note that this is a subset of the functionality that the underlying 
36   * implementation offers. This is the subset required to make the DAO 
37   * portable. If required, it is possible to get the underlying 
38   * implementation using {@link ISession#getDelegate()}
39   * 
40   * @author <a href="">Giovanni Azua</a>
41   * @version $Revision: 1.0 $Date: Feb 10, 2009 5:47:08 PM $
42   */
43  public 
44  interface ISession
45  {
46      //------------------------------------------------------------------------
47      // public
48      //------------------------------------------------------------------------
49      /**
50       * Clears the {@link Session}, removing all cached changes without 
51       * applying them. The underlying implementation is JPA implementation- 
52       * specific.
53       * 
54       * @throws DaoException 
55       */
56      public void 
57      clear() 
58      throws DaoException;
60      //------------------------------------------------------------------------
61      /**
62       * Closes the {@link Session}. The underlying implementation is JPA 
63       * implementation-specific.
64       * 
65       * @throws DaoException 
66       */
67      public void 
68      close() 
69      throws DaoException;
71      //------------------------------------------------------------------------
72      /**
73       * Flushes the {@link Session} by applying all cached changes to the 
74       * persistent store. The underlying implementation is JPA implementation- 
75       * specific.
76       * 
77       * @throws DaoException 
78       */
79      public void 
80      flush() 
81      throws DaoException;    
83      //------------------------------------------------------------------------
84      /**
85       * Returns true if the instance belongs to the current persistence context, 
86       * false otherwise
87       * 
88       * @param anEntity The entity to check
89       * @return true if the instance belongs to the current persistence context, 
90       *         false otherwise
91       */
92      public boolean
93      contains(Object anEntity);
95      //------------------------------------------------------------------------
96      /**
97       * Returns the Entity instance if found, null if the entity does not exist
98       * 
99       * @param <E>
100      * @param aPersistentClass Persistent class
101      * @param anId The Id to look for
102      * @return Entity instance if found, null if the entity does not exist
103      */
104     public <E> E
105     find(Class<E> aPersistentClass, Object anId);
107     //------------------------------------------------------------------------
108     /**
109      * Returns the {@link ITransaction} adapted from the implementation-specific
110      * 
111      * @see IAdapter
112      * @return {@link ITransaction} adapted from the implementation-specific
113      */
114     public ITransaction
115     getTransaction();        
117     //------------------------------------------------------------------------
118     /**
119      * Removes Object from the persistent store
120      * 
121      * @param anObject The Object to remove
122      */
123     public void
124     remove(Object anObject);
126     //------------------------------------------------------------------------
127     /**
128      * Returns the Id of the newly persisted Object. Creates the Object in 
129      * the persistent store. Note that not all adapted implementations will
130      * return an Id e.g. adapted Hibernate does but using pure JPA will not.
131      * 
132      * @param anObject The Object to persist
133      * @return Id of the newly persisted Object
134      */
135     public <Id> Id
136     persist(Object anObject);
138     //------------------------------------------------------------------------
139     /**
140      * Updates the Object in the persistent store
141      * 
142      * @param anObject The Object to update
143      */
144     public void
145     update(Object anObject);
147     //------------------------------------------------------------------------
148     /**
149      * Refresh the state of the instance from the database, overwriting 
150      * changes made to the entity, if any
151      * 
152      * @param anObject The Object to refresh
153      */
154     public void
155     refresh(Object anObject);
157     //------------------------------------------------------------------------
158     /**
159      * Returns instance of JPA implementation-specific Query for executing
160      * JPA-specific Queries e.g. HQL queries. 
161      * 
162      * @param aSqlString SQL query input
163      * @return instance of JPA implementation-specific Query
164      */
165     public IQuery
166     createQuery(String aSqlString);
168     //------------------------------------------------------------------------
169     /**
170      * Returns instance of JPA implementation-specific Query for executing
171      * native SQL queries. 
172      * 
173      * @param aSql SQL query input
174      * @return instance of JPA implementation-specific Query
175      */
176     public IQuery 
177     createNativeQuery(String aSqlString, Class<?> aPersistentClass);
179     //------------------------------------------------------------------------
180     /**
181      * Returns the implementation-specific Session
182      * 
183      * @return implementation-specific Session
184      */
185     public <S> S
186     getDelegate();        
187 }