Uses of Interface

Packages that use IStrategy
org.perfectjpattern.core.api.behavioral.chainofresponsibility Chain of Responsibility Pattern API. 
org.perfectjpattern.core.api.structural.adapter Adapter Pattern API. 
org.perfectjpattern.core.behavioral.chainofresponsibility Chain of Responsibility Core Pattern implementation. 
org.perfectjpattern.jee.api.integration.dao Generic Data Access Object (DAO) Pattern API. 
org.perfectjpattern.jee.integration.dao Spring-based implementation of the Generic Data Access Object (DAO) Pattern. 

Uses of IStrategy in org.perfectjpattern.core.api.behavioral.chainofresponsibility

Subinterfaces of IStrategy in org.perfectjpattern.core.api.behavioral.chainofresponsibility
 interface IChainStrategy
          Strategy that defines the IHandler decision-logic regarding handling and forwarding of the requests.

Uses of IStrategy in org.perfectjpattern.core.api.structural.adapter

Subinterfaces of IStrategy in org.perfectjpattern.core.api.structural.adapter
 interface IAdaptingStrategy
          Abstract definition of the adapting strategy to use e.g.

Uses of IStrategy in org.perfectjpattern.core.behavioral.chainofresponsibility

Classes in org.perfectjpattern.core.behavioral.chainofresponsibility that implement IStrategy
 class AllHandleStrategy
          Concrete implementation of IChainStrategy that allows all IHandler instances in the Chain to handle the given request.
 class OnlyOneHandleStrategy
          Concrete implementation of IChainStrategy that allows only one IHandler to handle the given request then stops the processing of the chain.

Uses of IStrategy in org.perfectjpattern.core.structural.adapter

Classes in org.perfectjpattern.core.structural.adapter that implement IStrategy
 class ExactMatchAdaptingStrategy
          Concrete implementation of IAdaptingStrategy.
 class NameMatchAdaptingStrategy
          Concrete implementation of IAdaptingStrategy.

Uses of IStrategy in org.perfectjpattern.jee.api.integration.dao

Subinterfaces of IStrategy in org.perfectjpattern.jee.api.integration.dao
 interface IFinderNamingStrategy
          Abstract definition of a Strategy for discovering query names based on a data model type and a finder interface method
 interface ISessionStrategy
          Abstract IStrategy reusable by IGenericReadOnlyDao that defines: Defines retrieval of instances of JPA implementation-specific Session instances defines shutdown
 interface ITransactionStrategy
          Abstract IStrategy reusable by IGenericDao that defines: Defines retrieval of instances of JPA implementation-specific Transaction instances

Uses of IStrategy in org.perfectjpattern.jee.integration.dao

Classes in org.perfectjpattern.jee.integration.dao that implement IStrategy
 class HibernateConfiguredTransactionStrategy
          Concrete simple implementation of ITransactionStrategy corresponding to Session.getTransaction()

This strategy is mandated by the Hibernate configuration value specified in property hibernate.transaction_factory.
 class HibernateCurrentSessionStrategy
          Concrete simple implementation of ISessionStrategy corresponding to SessionFactory.getCurrentSession()

This strategy is mandated by the Hibernate configuration value specified in property current_session_context_class e.g.
 class JpaManagedSessionStrategy
          Concrete implementation of ISessionStrategy targeting the Ejb managed environment
 class JpaManagedTransactionStrategy
          Concrete implementation of ITransactionStrategy targeting the Ejb managed environment
 class JpaSessionStrategy
          Concrete simple implementation of ISessionStrategy targeting JPA on JSE environment
 class JpaTransactionStrategy
          Concrete simple implementation of ISessionStrategy targeting JPA on JSE environment
 class JtaTransactionStrategy
          Concrete implementation of ITransactionStrategy targeting the use of UserTransaction

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